Each of our product pages has an ordering section at the bottom. As you order items using the ordering sections on each page, your items are placed in a virtual "Shopping Cart." This shopping cart is "pushed around" by you through our pages until you are finished shopping, at which time you proceed to our "Check Out" counter. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to use the order sections and check out.


  1. Choose the product you wish to purchase.

  2. Select the type (e.g. floor lamp vs. table lamp) and style (e.g. black vs. red) of the product you desire using the drop-down menus.
  3. Click the   Add to Shopping Cart  button. You will be taken to the Order Page, which will show you an accumulated listing of your order(s). The system assumes a quantity of One (1) for each item ordered. If you are ordering more than one of a particular item, you may change the quantity to see an updated Order listing. If you ordered something in error, change the quantity to Zero (0) and the item will be removed from the Order listing. Click on   CONTINUE SHOPPING to return to the home page.
  4. Continue to add items from the product pages, checking the Order listing each time for accuracy. 
  5. Note that you can view the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking on  View Shopping Cart .


  1. Complete the details on the billing address form.
  2. If billing and shipping addresses are the same, click the   CONTINUE button.
  3. If the shipping address is different complete the shipping form.
  4. Click on the method of payment you desire. (Credit card transactions are carried out on our secure server).
  5. If you choose credit card payment you will be able to review, change, or cancel your order before you enter your card details. Please ensure that you enter your name exactly as it appears on the credit card, your full address, and your email address, otherwise we will be unable to process your order.


Our secure server will take your credit card details, encrypting them so that they cannot be read by anyone other than, and send the completed order form to us. You will be notified by automated return email that we have received your order. If we have any questions about your order, we will notify you via email.

Thank you for visiting!

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